Tuesday, September 18, 2012

E Readers....

A few months ago, a friend of mine "LBH" asked if I had a Kindle or Nook, since I read so much. Well, I went off on a rant about these electronic readers and how I would miss turning the pages of a book or the "smell" of paper (ie mold).  I asked how can you cuddle up with a e Reader?

Now, we had purchased a tablet for my son.  He uses it for school and to play games and music, it even has a camera on it.  One day, I pick it up and notice that on the menu, there is a link for "Kindle"...hmm....I click on it and it links me to Amazon. I search for free books and decide, I'm going to download one, just to "see" what its like.

Well, I find a book by Joanna Campbell Slan; Cut, Crop, Die.  The main character, Kiki Lowenstein, is an avid scrapbooker and a part time "sletuh".  Who would think that so many crimes could be committed because of Scrapbooking and crafting!! I never thought it was a dangerous hobby, but in this town, apparently it is!!  I also read Ink, Red, Dead.  These are very light and entertaning books and quick reads.  One was a free download and one was 99 cents, but I would have paid more.  I don't know that I'll read any of the others (and yes, believe it or not, there are more), but these 2 were pretty good.

I also read 30 Pieces of Silver.  It appears that the author, Carolyn McCrary, started writing books just for eReaders.  However, a recent review of the 2012 New York Times Best Seller list, includes this book!! It's very controversial; was Judas really the tratior that we thought?  I would give away too much of the book by going into anymore detail.  But let me warn you, you have to be VERY open minded to read this book!! It challeneges all of the thoughts we have ever had about Jesus and his relationship with Judas and the other disciples.  If you are the type who gets upset when you read things that don't line up with your beliefs, maybe you shouldn't read this one.  BUT if you are open minded and could just consider a different set of circumstances, this is a really, really good book!!

So, all of this to say...I think I like the e Readers (lol).  In order to appease my son, we gave him an iPod for his birthday, so Mom can spend more time with the tablet.

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