Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Work In Progress....

Yes, that is defintely what my "blog" is going to be. Initially, it was some need to be intellectual, at least to myself.  I thought I would read a ton of books and share my thoughts and opinions with folks, so they could share my views and we could discuss.  Sort of an online book club. (For those of you who don't know, many years ago, a group of friends and I had a book club, meeting every month for over 7 years). 

Then tonight, I had an epiphany - an "Ah Ha" moment as Oprah would say...when in the WORLD am I supposed to have the time to not only read all these books, but to then, collect my thoughts and "review them" online to share with everyone.

Hmm, let's see how could I do this? I thought to myself.  I grabbed my glass of Moscato and thought...yes, I could use my iPad and when my son is at karate, I could blog my thoughts.  I could also use that 45 minutes to read, make notes and share them.  I put my glass down and thought, yes, that is a great idea!!

Reality - tis more fun to chat with the parents and catch up on gossip, or, here is a thought, watch my son as he works towards his orange belt in Kenpo karate.  Plus, I would have to buy an iPad to do that.  Glass back up, deeper thought.....

This whole thing started this summer.  The good old summer reading list - 10 books in 3 months for the soon to be 4th grader.  Summer, what a wonderful time of the year - school is out, no homework, kids can stay up late, sleep late, go to camp in between and wear themselves out.  TONS of time for Momma in the summer!!  So I decide, I'm going to read 10 books too!!  What better way to encourage him!!  Do as I do, right!!  And boy, did I hit the jack pot with books!! The Passage (800+ pages, so good I'm going to read it again), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo ( and the other 2 books in the Triology), The Confession...

School starts and now, comes the homework.  They don't understand it and neither do you (did we really need to know basic algerbra in 4th grade and for that matter, do we need it now)...frustration, tears behind that.  You can't wait for 9pm-bed time.  It gets dark early, but you are running to karate practice, back to school nights, soccer practice.  Dinner, dishes, and oh yeah, trying to spend maybe a couple minutes with your husband before he goes to sleep.  So by the time all this is done, the LAST thing I want to do is read.  I can hardly keep my eyes open past 10pm.....

So, as I said a work in progress. I think my blog would be best served as a way for me to vent and share my thoughts on the things that make me laugh, smile, cry you know, all the emotions...... 

Yeah, I like that idea!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Imagine, if you will, a young woman, moving into her first home, trying to figure out what will go where wondering if you will ever finish. Then, you feel faint, the room begins to spin and as you fall to the ground, you hear your husband call your name.
You wake up, you are outside and its pouring rain. You hear screaming and see a woman, looking at her son, drowning.  You get up, run to save the boy, pull him to shore and are immediately greeted by a double barrel shot gun.  You feel faint again and come “home” to your living room, with your husband leaning over you asking – where did you go?....
Such is the opening of Kindred by Octavia E. Butler, the first African American woman writer of to be published in the science fiction genre. 
The main character Dana (Edana) Franklin, makes 6 trips like this in the course of this book.  The young man she saves, is actually one of her ancestors, who calls on her whenever he is in trouble.  It is never explained why he calls on her or even how.  But this book on time travel had me riveted.  From the opening scene to the end, this is one that will keep you thinking.....